Friday, 8 April 2011

So I came across this today:
Which led me to this:
And this:,!/SirKenRobinson
For those of you who are twitterly and facebook inclined.
Also please ignore the fact that toggling over the navigation buttons on his official website have cumstain splotches, I'm sure that's just an unfortunate byproduct of how awesome this guy is.

Of course I don't actually know that yet. I've only listened to eleven minutes and sixteen seconds of an audio excerpt from one of his talks, so for all I know he could be a raging prick. I'll have to wait and find out.
For now though, I think he's great. He makes sense in regards to modern education.
It sucks!
I'm a victim, and I'm sure you are too. There is just so much focus on shipping the kids through their grades and shoving them off to whatever future may come, whether they actually retained the information or not.
Whether it's actually even useful or not, for that matter.
I was never great shakes at Math, and I excelled at pretty much everything that didn't involve it, HOWEVER ultimately my overall average suffered because of this and I was just accordingly for the rest of my days until I graduated. What you accomplish in the public school systems isn't given nearly as much focus as what you don't. It's pretty terrible.

Take a look at the above videos, comment wherever you like.
Happy Friday, folks.